Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life around here is interesting to say the least. We could really use any prayer we can get. Kyle was contemplating a job in North Dakota but we have decided no on that. We will be staying in Spokane at present. Kyle will be looking at finding a job here in town to try to be home more. The kids are growing like weeds and I have asked them to stop and I was told "no Jesus wants me to grow". said by Sami. Topher has started wearing big boy pants at night and we are so happy to see the light at the end of the potty training tunnel for now.

This is short but I leave you with this story for now. This happened today.... Sami had sneezed and stuff came out of her nose and I ran to get a klenex and by time I got back I had to clean it off the floor. Well I wiped her nose and she ran off to play... she quickly ran back and said "mommy (pointing to a spot on her shirt) there is a BLESS YOU on my shirt." Now how cute is that. I love my kiddos!

Friday, April 30, 2010

get your life back lane

So the house is under construction. New roof, new windows, new paint and new floor in the kids room. It will look great when it is done. Right now my life feels like I am in the midst of Choas! having the kids entire room in the living room drove me nuts. We live in a 500 sq foot home with only 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. Now I have to tell you moving the pantry and the kids room into the living room and dinning room for 7 days was insane. I am so happy to report their room is done and they are back in there. I love my kids but I love my quiet time too! Being alone with them 27 days a month makes things hard so this mom mom needs some quiet time to keep her sanity in check. So I wanted to share some pictures of the new roof and floor those are the biggest changes.

The kids are great full of energy and happy to play wherever. Every time they see a park they want to go. Spring is here and they are ready to be outside. I will be starting my garden soon and am very excited. Kyle is still on the road and teaching others to be as well. We are all looking forward to our vacation in Sept. Look forward to seeing family and friends in CA, OR, AZ, and ID.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April showers bring what?

We have had a great deal of rain lately which brings for me kids with cabin fever. They are starved for time to play outside. So we take every chance we can get. When it has been raining and they see the sun come out they yell, it's a sunny day mom! I love to take them to the park but I have to remind them it is still wet outside and all the toys and slides have water all over them. We did get a day this past week to go to the park it was a beautiful day and we all walked down to the park. (only 5 blocks down.) We made a lunch and took it with us to have a picnic. We got there put the blanket down and sat to eat. The kids did not want to eat their lunch they only wanted to play. So after they ate half of their lunch I set them loose to run a muck on the play ground. oh they had a great time. The one problem with this time of year is the park bathrooms are not yet open. So we had to hike it back home quickly with a little boy saying his belly hurts. I picked him up and walked home with Sami holding my pocket. Now I must say that is one way to get your exercise. pack on an extra 35 lbs and walk 5 blocks. I really need to get into better shape. Now if it would just warm up a bit to the 70's I would be greatful!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

HE IS RISEN!!! and covered in chocolate

We got up and I was so excited about Easter. I couldn't wait to talk to my kids and show them their baskets full of stuff. They have been waiting for this for days. I woke them up and and they bolted to the couch to see what was inside these empty baskets they have played with all week. first thing they pull out is the eggs and shake them. Some had money some had candy and of course some candy went straight into their mouths. I had to stop them or they would have gorged themselves. They each had one piece of chocolate. Then as I take Sami to the potty Topher comes running in with a chocolate cross. So I took the opertunity to talk about why we celebrate Easter. You know the whole bit Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day all to save us from our sin..... I reiterated with a "Who died on the cross?"... Both of them yell out Jesus with excitement. Then my sweet little Topher says " and He got chocolate all over him." I tell you I love the way a 3 year old thinks it is great.

So we are all ready I am putting some finishing touches on my make up and Sami is on the floor. I told her she needed to get up and put her jacket on so we can go. Next thing I know I turn my head and she is laying on the floor on her back and has thrown up all over her pretty Easter dress. What do you do now.... I throw myself in mom mode and take off the jacket, the dress find another one and let her lay down. I get all the stuff in the car including Topher and come back in grab a blanket lay it on the floor of the car. (ok yes I know it isn't legal but what would you do let your kid sit in their car seat and continue to throw up.) I grab Sami and put her in the car on the blanket with another wraped around her. I have no choice at this point because it is too late to get someone to cover my Sunday School class. We drove to the church and just as I turn in my crock pot of green beans tips over and spills on the floor of my car. Not all of it just a little but UGH! I was going to have lunch at another family's home today and was bringing a side dish but didn't want them to be without though we couldn't be there. I finally get the kids inside lay Sami down on the floor of my classroom and get Topher off to the fellowship hall where I had promised him a doughnut but ended up with a muffin. I could finally breath. And the rest of the day was pretty normal but I did miss out on the sermon which I was bumed about. I love Pastor Buck's Easter Sermons. Well maybe I can catch it online soon. So that was our Easter.

I don't want anyone to get me wrong I love Resurrection Day. I am so greatful to my Lord and Savior for putting Himself on the Cross and taking my place that I may live with Him in Heaven someday. I got to teach this morning in my class to my 4th-6th graders about Peter and why he ran to the tomb. I identified with him...after having tried pretending not to know Jesus and then realizing what he did when he heard that rooster crow. Then fretting over it for days after watching them toucher Jesus and then watch Him die. Hearing the words "He is risen and He is Alive" I too would run as fast as I could to see if it were true. My heart is full this day of admiration and Love for my Savior. I am thankful that HE IS ALIVE! Praise God that I am forgive!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March Maddness

March truely was mad. I tell you this month has been a crazy turn of nonstop illness here in our home. We, the kids and I, were couped up in the house for about 3 weeks due to one or all of us being ill and not with the same thing. Then the kids had to share and trade germs that made it even more fun. I fell down the basement stairs and then got sick and couldn't leave the couch. in the midst of all this I still had to plan and take care of paperwork for the start of construction on our home.

WE ARE FINALLY GETTING A NEW ROOF! I can't tell you how much of a relief that is. We will also in about 10 months get our home weatherized by SNAP. They will come in and give us some help in making our home more energy efficient. Which I must say is a wonderful thing when it comes to a home that is over 100 years old. Insulated walls are not to be taken for granted believe me I know, lath and plaster just doesn't hold in the heat. I will be so grateful to have them come in and help us with that.

On the planning side of my life I am headed for California in September. Yes, I am headed down for my 20th class reunion can you believe it! my goodness I can't believe that I have been out of High School that long. WOW!!!! I am excited that I will get to see old friends from school as well as friends and family from OC and Riverside. I really want to make the most of it sooooooo while we are down there Kyle will meet us and we are hitting those Disney Parks and visiting the Mouse! The kids are going to love it I am positive. Then we will round our trip off with a visit to AZ to visit with my mom and Grams. Of course there are visits with family and friends on the way down and on the way back up too! Life is exciting around here that is for certain.

In the life of Kyle world we have adventured into the world of Owner Operator for Swift Trucking. He now is the proud leaser of a new truck and a Mentor to Swift Students everywhere. Well ok he has only had 2 students and may I say that they were on polar opposites of the scale. His first student got fired and that is all I am going to say about that night mare. His second was the best student any mentor could ask for. A Marine, Christian, willing to listen and learn couldn't say anything but nice stuff about the guy and I hope he does well on his own truck.

The kids have been venturing into the land of NO NAPS. Mom is not so thrilled with this. The plan of attack is to get them up earlier and run their little selves raged till they have no choice put to crash in their beds. For days they don't nap earlier bed time. Otherwise they are doing great and enjoying exploring the outside now that spring is here.

Happy Spring everyone!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I want to see Jesus

So we were at church Sunday and getting ready to leave for home when Chris looks out side and points and says " mommy I want to see Jesus." I look up a little puzzled and notice he is pointing at our Pastor, Buck Keely. I tried not to giggle but it came out anyway and I explained to him that is our pastor he tells us about Jesus. I then took him to go and see Buck and told him what Chris had said and he did some further explaining. Buck was very flattered that Chris sees Jesus in him. Even a young child notices where he sees Jesus!
In other news of our family Kyle is still on the road and doing well. I am so proud of him, he has taken the steps to become a mentor for Swift trucking and is taking on a student 6 weeks at a time. We are very excited for this opportunity. He is gone anywhere from 18 to 24 days at a time and home for 3-4 days after each time out. The kids are doing great. Christopher is now 3 and Samantha is 4 1/2. Both growing like weeds. I just can't believe how fast they have grown. We look forward to this new year and all it has to offer. We have been doing an hour of school a day and enjoying a great deal of it. It is hard to believe that Samantha well be starting Kindergarten in the fall. Well, that is all I have for now so hope you enjoy the pictures from Christmas I add on here and have a wonderful Day..